I thought my cycling life was over…

April 25 started out as a beautiful spring morning, as I began a routine mountain bike ride with a few buddies. We were climbing our way up a mountain side, burning calories and enjoying the sun peaking over the surrounding mountains. Just as I crested over the climb and began my descent, everything changes very quickly. My front wheel washed outward toward the left, as I was thrown to the ground directly onto my right hip. The impact was violent. After a bumpy ride to the hospital in my buddies Jeep, I was facing white gowns, rolling hospital beds and bright light overhead. An orthopedic surgeon had a grim look on his face as I was informed I had an acetabular hip fracture consisting of 6 broken pieces. I then spent the next 2 days in traction preparing the hip for surgery.

After five hours of surgery, I looked like this:

The first question I had for my doctor was, after all this madness, will I be able to ride a bicycle again? His answer, I believe so.

Fast forward to August 23, 2020:

After 90 days of none weight bearing exercises, I happy to report I can walk without a cane and 95% limp free. And can I ride? Yes, I’m currently riding 7 miles per day as part of my therapy, and it feels so good. It’s been quite a fight, but I’m “in it to win it”.

Lessons I’ve learned:

1-Never take your walking for granted.

2-It can all go to zero within seconds.

3-Positive thinking, prayer and meditation work.

4-Never ride a mountian bike with smooth tires on a mountain trail.

2 Replies to “I thought my cycling life was over…”

  1. Great news Brent.
    The power of prayer is good for us as we speak to God and he hears the requests we ask for so our faith is built up in Jesus.

    I included several of your Hogath features in my SCAMP Happy Days. #444.
    Your posts were very helpful.
    Keep getting well.


  2. Thanks for including me in your email. Great attitude and no doubt recovery will continue… best wishes, jim gurney

    Jim Gurney Apple Certified Editor/Videographer 650-492-1606



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